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**Huge Congratulations to Andrzej Lewandowski Speech Therapist Polskojęzyczny Logopeda w Chicago For Winning Four New Awards In 2024**

We're thrilled to celebrate Andrzej, a bilingual speech therapist at Dempster Therapeutic Services, LLC. His unwavering dedication has earned him the title of Chicago's best speech pathologist for five consecutive years (2020-2024)!

But that's not all! Andrzej has also been honored with the WebMD Preferred Pr... Read more

Prywatna terapia logopedyczna

Zalety Prywatnej Terapii Logopedycznej

W dzisiejszym szybko zmieniającym się środowisku opieki zdrowotnej, wiele osób poszukujących usług logopedycznych zwraca się ku opcjom prywatnym. Dempster Therapeutic Services oferuje wysokiej jakości prywatne usługi logopedyczne, które zapewniają liczne korzyści w porównaniu z tradycyjną opieką opartą na ubezpieczeniu. Przyjrzyjmy się, dlaczego wybór prywatnej opieki może być właściwą decyzją dla Cieb... Read more


Spraw, aby Twoje dziecko z radością uczyło się języka polskiego!

Jako rodzice dzieci polonijnych w Stanach Zjednoczonych, chcemy, aby nasze pociechy miały kontakt z bogatą kulturą i językiem naszych przodków. Pragniemy, aby płynnie mówiły po polsku, aby mogły rozmawiać z dziadkami i innymi krewnymi, czytać polskie książki i oglądać polskie filmy.

Niestety, bywa, że dzieci niechętnie uczą się języka polskiego. Nie chcą mówić nim w domu, sprze... Read more

Dlaczego dzieci dwujęzyczne są wyjątkowe?

Dzieci dwujęzyczne w Ameryce: niewiarygodne fakty

W Stanach Zjednoczonych mieszka ponad 12 milionów Polaków, z czego około 2 miliony to dzieci w wieku szkolnym. Wiele z tych dzieci jest dwujęzycznych, mówiąc po polsku i angielsku.

Jeśli masz dziecko dwujęzyczne, to prawdopodobnie wiesz, że są one wyjątkowe. Mają bogatą kulturową tożsamość i mogą komunikować się z ludźmi z całego świata. Ale czy wiesz, że mózgi dzieci dwujęzycznych są również... Read more

Private Pay Advantage

Unlock Premium Speech Therapy: The Private Pay Advantage

In today's fast-paced healthcare environment, many individuals seeking speech-language pathology (SLP) services are turning to private pay options. Dempster Therapeutic Services offers premium private pay SLP services that provide numerous benefits over traditional insurance-based care. Let's explore why choosing private pay might be the right decision for you or your loved one.

1. ... Read more

Czy Twoje dziecko mowi poprawnie?

Spotkałam się z Panem Andrzejem w celu sprawdzenia mowy syna. Niepokoiło nas brak niektórych dźwięków. Rozmowa rzeczowa, konkretna, bardzo pomocna. Szybko ustaliliśmy co robić dalej. Bardzo fajne podejście do dziecka. Syn bardzo polubił Pana Andrzeja I nie może doczekać się zajęć. Polecam każdemu kto ma wątpliwości dotyczące mowy swoich pociech!

Edyta Matuszewska

Red Flags for Speech and Language Delays

Speech and Language Milestones: Red Flags to Watch For

Birth to 4 months

Babies change and grow a lot during their first few months of life. The average newborn gains 5 to 7 ounces a week. They also grow 1/2 inch to 1 inch each month. In short, your baby is getting bigger before your eyes. They are also developing new skills. But if your little one has trouble with any of the following, it could be a sign that something is wrong with their ... Read more

"Speech Therapy Chicago"

Dempster Therapeutic Services, LLC offers therapy services in Chicago and surrounding suburbs for a range of speech and language disorders such as articulation disorders, phonological disorders, stuttering, and expressive and receptive speech and language delays. Its founding speech therapist, Andrzej Lewandowski, MHS, MA, CCC-SLP/L, PEL, Polskojezyczny Logopeda w Chicago® is an Illinois Early Intervention credentialed bilingual (Polish and ... Read more

Good customer service & reviews

The feedback we have received has shown us that our wonderful clients have been positively affected by our clinic and services, and some have even recommended our services to their friends and family members. Such commendations have not only encouraged us to continue to provide our services at the highest possible level, but have also allowed us to grow and expand. 

Get started today! 

Get To Know Us

Dempster Therapeutic Services is located in Des Plaines, IL, right off I-294 and Touhy Avenue. We offer therapy services for Chicago and surrounding suburbs for a range of speech and language disorders such as articulation disorders, phonological disorders, stuttering, and expressive and receptive speech and language delays. Our founding speech therapist, Andrzej Lewandowski, MHS, MA, CCC-SLP/L, PEL, Polskojęzyczny Logopeda w Chicago® is an ... Read more

Speech Therapy Near Me

Dempster Therapeutic Services is located in Des Plaines, IL, right off I-294 and Touhy Avenue. We offer therapy services for Chicago and surrounding suburbs for a range of speech and language disorders such as articulation disorders, phonological disorders, stuttering, and expressive and receptive speech and language delays. Our founding speech therapist, Andrzej Lewandowski, MHS, MA, CCC-SLP/L, PEL, Polskojęzyczny Logopeda w Chicago® is an ... Read more

Pediatric Speech Therapy Near Me

Our founding speech therapist, Andrzej Lewandowski, MHS, MA, CCC-SLP/L, PEL, Polskojęzyczny Logopeda w Chicago® is an Illinois Early Intervention credentialed bilingual (Polish and English-speaking) speech therapy provider and a certified member of the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association and has worked with both little and big kids in multiple environments ranging from schools to private practices.

Chicago Speech Therapy

Our Signature "Chicago Speech Therapy" Services In English & Polish

📣 Calling all parents in the Chicagoland area! Dempster Therapeutic Services, your top-rated local pediatric speech therapy clinic, is here to help your child communicate effectively and confidently. 📞 Reach us at 847-999-3990.

We believe in the power of compassion, collaboration, and evidence-based practices. We understand that every child’s communication journey is unique, and we’re here to meet their individual needs and goals. Here’s what sets us apart:

👶 Child-Centered Care: Your child is at the heart of everything we do. Our therapists build strong relationships with each child, creating a safe, supportive, and engaging environment where they can explore their communication abilities.

📝 Individualized Treatment Plans: We know that no two children are alike. Our comprehensive evaluations help us understand each child’s strengths, challenges, and learning style. This allows us to develop personalized treatment plans that incorporate evidence-based techniques and strategies tailored to their specific needs.

👪 Family Involvement: We believe that you, as parents and caregivers, play a vital role in your child’s speech and language development. We actively involve families in the therapy process, providing education, resources, and strategies for supporting communication at home.

🤝 Collaboration with Professionals: We work closely with pediatricians, educators, and other therapists to ensure a coordinated and holistic approach to care. By working together, we can maximize each child’s potential and create a consistent, supportive environment across all aspects of their life.

🔬 Evidence-Based Practices: We are committed to using the most current and effective speech therapy techniques, backed by scientific research. Our therapists regularly participate in continuing education to stay up-to-date on the latest advancements in the field.

🎯 Functional Outcomes: We focus on helping children achieve functional communication goals that make a real difference in their daily lives. We work with children to improve their ability to express their needs, interact with others, participate in school, and build lasting friendships.

Our therapeutic process typically involves comprehensive evaluation, development of an individualized treatment plan, engaging therapy sessions, regular progress monitoring, and parent education and support.

We are passionate about helping children find their voice and connect with the world around them. Our personalized, collaborative, and evidence-based approach to speech therapy has helped countless children achieve their communication goals and thrive in all aspects of life.

If you are concerned about your child’s speech or language development, we encourage you to contact us to schedule a free consultation. Our team is here to answer your questions, address your concerns, and guide you through the process of finding the right support for your child.

From early language development to complex communication disorders, we offer comprehensive support at every stage of your child’s journey. Our therapeutic preschool and kindergarten program integrates clinical and school-based speech therapy within a nurturing educational environment.

Join us at Dempster Therapeutic Services and empower your child through individualized therapy within a supportive and engaging environment. We’re here to be your partner in communication success. 

#SpeechTherapy #PediatricCare #CommunicationSuccess #speechtherapy #chicago #earlyintervention #polish #logopeda #chicagospeechtherapy @dempsterhealth

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